Viktor Orban (Photo: ERA/Yuri Kochetkov)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban disagreed with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell's statement that his visit to Russia is purely bilateral between Budapest and Moscow, and that he doesn't represent the European Union on the trip. Orban posted his response on X.

After Orban's flight to Moscow was confirmed, Borrell stated that the Hungarian leader had not received any mandate from the EU Council for the Moscow visit.

"The EU position on Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is reflected in many European Council conclusions. That position excludes official contacts between the EU and President Putin. The Hungarian Prime Minister is thus not representing the EU in any form," the diplomat said.

The Hungarian leader responded by calling Borrell's words "Brusselian bureaucratic nonsense."

"This is precisely the Brusselian bureaucratic nonsense that yielded no results in finding a way to peace in the Russia-Ukraine war. If we want to end the war we need a political approach instead of a bureaucratic one," the politician wrote.

Read also: Ukraine's MP: Orban's Moscow visit may cost Hungary EU Council presidency