The Polish parliament has elected Donald Tusk, the leader of the Civic Coalition, as the country's prime minister, PAP reports. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has already congratulated the new head of the Polish government.

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248 MPs voted "for", 201 were "against", and none abstained.

"This is a really big day – not for me, but for all those who believed that thanks to you everything would change for the better," Tusk said from the rostrum of the parliament.

Zelenskyy congratulated Tusk and said that "the future of Ukraine and Poland lies in unity, mutual assistance and strategic partnership to defeat our common enemy."

"When we stand together, the freedom of both our nations is unsurpassed. We appreciate Poland's support. Together we strengthen each other and all of Europe. I am sure that Ukraine and Poland will remain committed to protecting global freedom," the president said.

Earlier today, the Polish Sejm decided that the government of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) formed by Mateusz Morawiecki will not receive a vote of confidence. This meant that the government was resigning, and the Sejm gave instructions to form a new one.

Last Friday, Tusk promised to solve the problem of the blockade of the Polish-Ukrainian border if he headed the new government.