A guerrilla movement in Russian-held territory of Ukraine blew up a car with several Russian federal security service (FSB) officers in the city of Berdiansk, in the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukrainian defence intelligence, GUR, said on Thursday.

The operation took place on Monday, when a car carrying four FSB officers was destroyed in a bomb blast, GUR said in a statement.

The car was blown up near a local hotel that Russians had turned into a hideout.

Among those killed was "a Russian war criminal who committed brutal torture of local Ukrainian citizens," Ukrainian military intelligence claimed.

It added that, following the blast, Russia’s occupation authorities in the Zaporizhzhia region ordered that curfew be extended from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am, and FSB officers "immediately left the hotel and moved to a new location".

"However, this place is also well known for brave guerrilla fighters, patriots of Ukraine," GUR added.

The guerrilla movement in southern Ukraine has been active since last summer, when Russia started appointing illegitimate local administration officials in the territories it had occupied.

Last month, Ukrainian guerrillas blew up a car and killed and wounded the Russian officials who were transporting ballots for ‘pseudo-elections’ in the temporarily occupied city of Nova Kakhovka, in the Kherson region.