Yulia Svyridenko (Photo: Press Service of the Kyiv International Economic Forum)

Amid army mobilization, the Ukrainian economy is facing a labor shortage, prompting the Ministry of Economy to propose retraining women for professions whose workers have gone to fight, First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yulia Svyrydenko, reported.

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She emphasized the need to focus more on retraining programs for Ukrainians who remain on the home front, targeting occupations in high demand.

"This is especially true for women, who have already mastered what used to be exclusively 'male' professions. For example, bodyguards, truck drivers, bus drivers, or even tractor drivers – this is the current reality of the labor market," Svyrydenko said.

Retraining specialists and employing veterans are the main challenges for the government in the labor market, the First Deputy Prime Minister added.

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