Pavlo Klimkin (Photo by Valentina Polishchuk)

Pavlo Klimkin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine from 2014 to 2019, commented on the West's fear of a possible victory by Russia. He stated that currently, Europe is uncertain about how to deal with Russia, whether it emerges victorious or faces defeat.

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In response to a question from journalist about the widespread narrative among Western leaders and the media, suggesting that Ukraine is not provided resources for victory but only to maintain the status quo because the West does not know what to do with Russia, whether it wins or loses, Klimkin emphasized, "The West doesn't know what to do with Russia, whether it wins or loses."

He said, "The West understands that it is necessary to change the model and strategy of containment. It should be against Russia because there is no consensus to return to the previous model of interaction, which has existed since 1967 and is associated with the German mentality."

The former Minister highlighted that there is uncertainty in Europe about building a new model against Russia and what this model would mean for NATO.

He remarked, "The future model of containing Russia and, in general, a conditional European security model will be against Russia – this issue is actively discussed. But so far, on its own, perhaps I don't know something deeply confidential, but I don't see any common logic, let alone consensus, regarding what it will be – the future security model?"

Klimkin explained that currently in the West, the prevailing view and position are to monitor the events happening around, and subsequently decide on the course of action. However, the position in the United States is different.

"And for now, the prevailing idea is 'let's look around, let's see what's happening, and then decide what to do next.' Americans are not like that; they understand well that the world is changing rapidly, and in this world, there are Chinese, and answers need to be found for what China will be in the future, what India will be in the future, and not only," noted the former Minister of Foreign Affairs.

While Americans are looking for answers to these questions, Europeans are trying to observe and ask where their place is in these answers. Klimkin added, "And when they see neither answers nor their place, they start to lose their way, and this is by no means an attempt to criticize."

In December, pro-Ukrainian Republicans developed and released a 28-page report, serving as a sort of "plan for Ukraine's victory." The document insists on swift arms deliveries to Ukraine, intensified sanctions against Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, and more.