Viktor Orban (Photo: ERA)

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has called for a halt to the import of Ukrainian agricultural products into EU countries, stating that Ukrainian agricultural produce "should not make it to the European market."

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This statement was made in a video published by Hungary's Fidesz party on social media, as reported by Magyar Nemzet.

Commenting on farmer demonstrations across Europe, the Hungarian Prime Minister remarked that "the problem for European farmers lies in Brussels setting rules that make production increasingly expensive for them."

He said that Europe allows the import of agricultural products from countries where these rules do not apply.

"This means Ukrainian agricultural products should not enter the European market," Orban stated.

European farmers are "not being listened to" and feel that "the distance between them and the people making decisions in Brussels is as vast as from the sky to the earth," according to him.

Read also: Control of agri exports takes center stage in Ukraine’s foreign revenue power struggle