Oleksandr Syrskyi (Photo: Telegram of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces)

Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine exceed Ukrainian losses "three times", the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi said in an interview for The Guardian.

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The aggressor's losses are "even more" in certain sectors.

"Their number of killed is much bigger," he stated.

At the same time, Syrskyi refused to specify the number of losses, because it is a "sensitive" topic that Moscow can use.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces, as of July 24, the losses of the Russian army in personnel amount to about 570,120 soldiers.

On July 7, The Economist analyzed the leak of Pentagon data on Russia's losses in manpower in the war against Ukraine. According to estimates, the invasion forces lost 462,000 to 728,000 people.

From April to June, the Russian occupation army lost 82,000 people in the area of responsibility of the Khortytsia operational-strategic troop grouping i.e. the whole eastern front.