Lindsey Graham (Photo: EPA)

US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham believes that thanks to American assistance, the Ukrainian military will be able to regain momentum on the battlefield this summer, reports The Hill.

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Graham acknowledged that Washington did not provide Ukraine with weapons at an early stage to deter Russian aggression. However, now that the Ukrainian military is receiving help from American allies, there is a chance to "reset" this war.

The senator believes that Ukraine will regain its military momentum this summer. For this, it is necessary to mobilize the support of Ukraine from the Western allies, he added.

"Either we’re going to help Ukraine or we’re not. It’s now time to give them the F-16s, let them fly the planes, long-range artillery to hit targets inside of Russia. Go after Putin’s assets wherever, all over the world. Go on the offensive. I think the summer Ukraine will regain military momentum," said Graham.

In February 2024, Graham wanted to derail the Senate's approval of an aid package for Ukraine by unexpectedly opposing it. Such a decision by Graham caused indignation and anger even among his fellow party members, who counted on the support of the senator. At the same time, Graham continued to position himself as a "friend of Ukraine".

On June 7, 2024, US President Joe Biden announced a $225 million military aid package to Ukraine.

On June 8, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy shared a "very frank assessment" of the situation at the front in Ukraine during a meeting with the US leader.