A fire broke out on the property of the Uraltransmash factory in Yekaterinburg, Russia, which produces military equipment, reported local outlets.

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"It seems that there is a fire on the territory of Uraltransmash," reported a reader of the Yekaterinburg portal E1.ru and sent a video of the fire.

A source of E1.ru said that the roof of an empty workshop was on fire on the grounds of the plant, where welding work was being carried out. Three workers evacuated independently, there were no other people in the shop.

He also reported that the area of the fire began to grow and later the fire spread over 420 square meters.

Later, the press service of Uraltransmash reported that the fire had already been extinguished, and the outbreak allegedly occurred during dismantling work on the territory of the old warehouses.

Uraltransmash claims that the area of the fire was less than 200 square meters.

REFERENCE. Ural Plant of Transport Mechanical Engineering (Uraltransmash) is a Russian (formerly Soviet) plant that produces military equipment, as well as tram cars, rocking machines, and railway products. This is the only enterprise in Russia that produces self-propelled artillery installations, in particular, Msta-S and Tulpan. Since 2023, the plant has been under the sanctions of Ukraine, the USA and the European Union.
Photo: E1.ru
Photo: E1.ru

Overnight on March 1 in Yekaterinburg in the Urals, an explosion occurred at the Kalininskaya substation, which supplies three defense plants. At that time, Ukraine's Defense Intelligence said that it was caused by "engaged citizens".

On April 1, the Uralmash military plant in Yekaterinburg was already on fire in the Russian Federation. Then the Russian authorities said that the roof collapsed in one of the workshops at the enterprise.