President Volodymyr Zelenskyy listed the changes he expects shortly for the renewed Armed Forces in a video address announcing General Oleksandr Syrskyi as the new Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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Zelenskyy named the following eight points (quoted verbatim):

→ A realistic, detailed action plan for the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 2024 must be on the table. Taking into account the real situation on the battlefield now and prospects.

→ Every combat brigade on the front line must receive effective Western weapons – there must be a fair redistribution of such weapons in favor of the front line.

→ Problems with logistics need to be solved. Avdiivka should not wait while generals figure out where drones are stuck in their warehouses.

→ Every general must know the front. If a general does not know the front, he does not serve Ukraine.

→ The excessive and unjustified number of personnel in the headquarters must be corrected.

→ A functioning rotation system must be built in the army. The experience of certain combat brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, where such a system exists, can be taken as a basis. Rotations are mandatory.

→ There needs to be a clear improvement in the quality of soldiers' training – only trained soldiers on the front line.

→ A new branch of the Armed Forces is being created – the Unmanned Systems Forces. The first commander must be appointed.

He also reported that Syrskyi would present the "reboot team" of the Armed Forces in the coming days.