President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the forward command post of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Vovchansk district and congratulated the soldiers of the SOF on their professional day. He published the corresponding video in Telegram.

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On the Day of Special Operations Forces, Zelenskyy visited the Vovchansk district of Kharkiv Oblast.

"It is an honor to be here today and to congratulate our SOF soldiers on their professional day, to honor them with state awards," he wrote.

The president thanked the soldiers for the defense of Hostomel, Kherson Oblast and participation in the operation in Kharkiv Oblast. He honored the military with state awards.

Map: Deepstate

After the May offensive on Kharkiv Oblast, in July the Russians began to transfer assault reserves to the Kharkiv axis. The spokesman of the Khortytsia troop grouping Nazar Voloshyn said that the arrival of additional personnel from various branches of the military is recorded in the area of the Russian city of Murom and near the Ukrainian Vovchansk.

Viktor Kevlyuk, an analyst at the Center for Defense Strategies, said that the Russian military will try to increase their efforts in the central part of Vovchansk in the direction of the Aggregate Plant, force the Vovcha River and try to advance along both banks of the Lypets River.