A majority of Americans believe that their country should continue supporting Ukraine in its struggle against Russian aggression, as indicated by the results of a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll.

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Overall, 65% of U.S. citizens think that assistance to Ukraine should persist, while 35% disagree with this sentiment.

Among Democratic voters, 77% support aid to Ukraine (with 23% against), while among Republicans, the figure is slightly lower, with 56% in favor and 44% opposed.

Interestingly, when Americans were asked a similar question about Israel, it was revealed that supporters of the Democratic Party express less support (63%) compared to Republican supporters (71%).

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President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in the United States last week, where he tried to convince Congress to vote for aid to Ukraine, but returned without a positive result. Congress continues to argue over problems on the border with Mexico and, most likely, will not approve additional aid to Ukraine of $61.7 billion by the end of the year.