Illustrative photo - General Staff

The Defense Forces had to retreat from the village of Urozhaine in the Donetsk Oblast, Nazar Voloshyn, spokesperson for the Khortytsia Operational-Strategic Group, told

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He said that in the area of Urozhaine, the tactical situation developed in such a way that "it became impossible for our defenders to hold positions there".

However, he stressed that the Ukrainian military is in control of the situation in this area and is giving an adequate response to the enemy.

Voloshyn said that the enemy suffers considerable losses daily in achieving successes and some "victories" in the settlements it has destroyed.

Here's the translation in American English:

"Among them are hundreds of dead, and the result is a destroyed settlement with piles of Russian soldiers' corpses around it," he added.

The OSINT community DeepState reported the occupation of Urozhaine by Russians on July 14. According to analysts, the enemy began a massive assault on the northern part of the village with significant forces - two companies of personnel.

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