Donald Trump (Photo: EPA/JEFFREY PHELPS)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized the current U.S. administration in an interview with Fox News for providing substantial aid to Ukraine while offering minimal assistance to Americans affected by Hurricane Helen.

"So we have almost $300 billion for Ukraine, and yet they are offering people $750 in immediate assistance for the worst hurricane anyone has ever seen," Trump said.

Trump also criticized the White House's response to the hurricane's aftermath, particularly in North Carolina. He stated that he had visited the region and witnessed residents complaining about the lack of assistance.

"I saw one man sitting on a rock, just sitting on a rock, because he had nothing left," the Republican candidate recounted.

Despite Trump's claim that Hurricane Helen is "the worst hurricane anyone has ever seen," this is not accurate. The most devastating hurricane in U.S. history is considered to be Hurricane Katrina, which struck the Gulf Coast in August 2005. Katrina caused extensive damage, particularly in Louisiana and Mississippi, leading to massive flooding in New Orleans and resulting in the deaths of over 1,800 people. The economic damage from Katrina is estimated to be over $125 billion.

As of the end of September, Hurricane Helen has claimed the lives of at least 116 people: 46 in North Carolina, 27 in South Carolina, at least 25 in Georgia, 13 in Florida, four in Tennessee, and two in Virginia.