In the temporarily occupied city of Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, a car explosion killed Vitalii Lomeiko, a collaborator judge involved in the repression of Ukrainians and war crimes, according to the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (DIU).

The incident took place on October 2 near building 6 on Ukrainskykh Partyzan Street, in the Lysky neighborhood, close to the Berdiansk port.

The deceased, Lomeiko, was a judge of the Chernihiv District Court of Zaporizhzhia Oblast, who remained in occupied Berdiansk, violated his oath during the war, and knowingly and voluntarily collaborated with the occupiers, DIU reported.

"The fate of Vitalii Lomeiko, involved in the repression of Ukrainians in the occupied territories and war crimes, serves as a reminder to all traitors that serving the executioners of the Ukrainian people is dangerous to one's health and life," the agency stated.

On an occupier's website, a July 2023 publication shows Lomeiko illegally serving as a "judge" in the occupation's so-called "Berdiansk City Court."

DIU did not specify who was responsible for Lomeiko's death.

The agency included video and photos, reportedly from the scene: the footage shows a fire behind buildings, while two photos depict a burnt-out car and an emergency worker.

Photo: Telegram GUR