Military building second and third defense lines around Zaporizhzhia Oblast, governor says
Ivan Fedorov (Photo: Official's Telegram)

The Ukrainian military is constructing second and third lines of defense around Zaporizhzhia Oblast to fortify the region against Russian attacks, according to regional governor Ivan Fedorov.

"The first task assigned to the military was completed in mid-summer. Currently, we are continuing to build the second and third lines of defense for the cities of Zaporizhzhia Oblast together with the military," Fedorov said during the national telethon.

The official emphasized that the main goal is to turn the region into a "fortress." Fedorov noted that the fortifications being built are constantly being modernized.

The governor pointed out that while the primary objective of the fortifications was initially to provide protection against guided aerial bombs and artillery, it is now crucial to defend against FPV drones. Therefore, anti-drone nets and similar solutions are necessary.

He also reported that the second line of fortifications is practically completed, and the third line will be ready in the coming weeks. The defense of the cities, which is currently being constructed, will also be completed within the deadlines set by the General Staff.

On September 23, 2024, the state enterprise Forests of Ukraine signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense to supply nearly 65,000 cubic meters of round timber for the construction of first-line defense fortifications—bunkers, strongpoints, and trenches.