Trump advisor calls WP article on "peace plan" involving surrender of Crimea and Donbas a "fake"
Donald Trump (Photo: EPA)

A secret "plan" to end the war in Ukraine, which allegedly involves handing over Crimea and Donbas to Russia, was called a "fake" by Jason Miller, an advisor to Donald Trump's presidential campaign, in a comment to The New York Post, in response to a report by The Washington Post.

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"The whole thing is fake news from the Washington Post. They’re just making it up. President Trump is the only one talking about stopping the killing. Joe Biden is talking about more killing," Miller said.

He also said that Trump will not agree to any peace plan until he takes office and can properly weigh all options.

On April 7, the Washington Post, citing unnamed sources, reported that Trump had privately discussed a "peace plan" involving territorial concessions to the aggressor. The article states that the proposal of the 45th president of the United States involves pushing Ukraine to hand over Crimea and Donbas to Russia in exchange for a ceasefire.

Also read: US military aid for Ukraine: vote in Congress may be postponed despite Johnson's vows – Bloomberg