Czech pro-Russian party demands halt to aid for Ukraine: Ministry of Defense hits back
Photo: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

In the Czech Republic, the leader of the extra-parliamentary right-wing populist and pro-Russian party PRO, representing the anti-government coalition "Czech Republic Against Poverty," Jindřich Reichl, declared that Prague should not provide military assistance to Ukraine, claiming it does not align with the country's national interests. In response, Czech Deputy Minister of Defense Jan Jireš stated that without Western assistance, Russian occupiers could reach Uzhhorod, as reported by ČTK.

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As reported, on January 9, the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic discussed a petition from the anti-government coalition, demanding to "stop rhetoric that the Czech Republic is at war" and cease supplying military equipment to Ukraine.

Reichl and other representatives of the PRO party emphasized the necessity for a "diplomatic and peaceful resolution of the conflict."

Reichl stated that claims of Ukraine fighting for the Czech Republic are untrue and manipulative.

He added, "It's a lie, pure manipulation [...] Every day the war in Ukraine persists, there is more suffering, more unnecessary deaths, more bloodshed, and more economic losses, as well as further deterioration of Ukraine's position in negotiations for a possible peace," he said.

In response, Czech Deputy Minister of Defense Jireš stated that the decision to end the war depends entirely on Russia and the dictator Vladimir Putin. He reiterated that Ukraine's independence aligns with the national interests of the Czech Republic.

"If we help Ukraine defend its independence, enemy missiles will not fall on Czech territory," he said.

Jireš reminded that Russia has repeatedly declared war "against the entire West," including the Czech Republic.

"It is beyond doubt that if we had not supported Ukraine militarily from the beginning — Czechia, Poland, almost all other European countries, and other countries worldwide — today the Russian army would be in Kyiv or even in Uzhhorod," he said.

A representative of the Czech Ministry of Defense added that "Mr. Reichl is very loud but very often talks nonsense."

Read also: President of the Czech Republic: Only Ukraine and the Russian Federation can talk about "war fatigue". We will not be bombed