Czech initiative: Ammunition now delivered according to plan and schedules – Ukraine's deputy DM
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As of September, ammunition under the Czech initiative is being delivered according to the plan and designated schedules, reported First Deputy Defense Minister Ivan Havryliuk during a national telethon broadcast.

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According to him, the ammunition deliveries under the Czech initiative have now "leveled out." However, he admitted that "there was a slight setback" at the beginning of the summer regarding this issue.

Overall, the problem was tied to a lack of financial donations for the purchase of ammunition, Havryliuk said.

However, as of September, the situation has been resolved, and "everything is now proceeding according to the delivery plan and designated schedules," the official added.

He said that this aid represents "quite substantial support" for Ukrainian troops on the battlefield.

The deputy minister also noted that this initiative provides not only NATO-standard ammunition (155 mm caliber), which plays a crucial role for Ukraine.

Read also: Ukraine must accept some territories will stay under Russian control, says Czech president