German Chancellor Scholz vows third Patriot system for Ukraine in near future

Germany "in the coming weeks and months" will transfer to Ukraine the third Patriot air defense system, IRIS-T, Gepard installations, shells for them and ammunition, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced at the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin.
According to him, the greatest needs of the Ukrainian army today are ammunition and anti-aircraft systems.
"Therefore, in the coming weeks and months, we will deliver the third Patriot air defense system, IRIS-T, Gepard, rockets and ammunition to Ukraine," the German leader stated.
Scholz also called on allies to join the initiative to strengthen Ukrainian air defense.
Previously, Berlin had already provided Ukraine with two Patriot systems, and in mid-April 2024, the German Ministry of Defense reported that they would "immediately" provide another complex.
On May 24, the German Ministry of Defense announced a package of aid to Ukraine worth 500 million euros, which will include an IRIS-T air defense system.
On May 31, the German government announced that Berlin had given Ukraine permission to use state weapons to strike targets inside Russia. State Chancellor Scholz previously opposed such a permit.