Russian military investigator, who fought against Ukraine, liquidated in Belgorod – HUR
Photo: resource of the occupiers

An officer of the Russian Investigative Committee was eliminated in Belgorod, Russia, as a result of strikes on Russian military facilities on December 30, Ukraine's Defense Intelligence reports.

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The liquidated Russian is 27-year-old senior lieutenant Mikhail Konopitsyn, who was sent to Belgorod in November 2023 to work as part of the military investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the department writes.

According to the military intelligence, Konopitsyn previously fought against Ukraine. He was the commander of an anti-tank missile platoon.

The report of the Ukrainian military intelligence is confirmed by the Russian media. According to them, Konopitsyn was an investigator in the Mulinsky garrison, but then on November 19 he was assigned to the Belgorod garrison.

According to Russian authorities, he stayed in office in Belgorod for less than a month and a half.

Фото: ГУР
Photo: GUR

On the afternoon of December 30, explosions rang out in Belgorod. The local authorities reported an attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but did not provide any evidence. Photos and videos from Belgorod were published on social media. Explosions were rumbling in the city, there were fires, smoke is rising. The photo also shows the work of the Russian air defense forces. The day before that, the Russian military used 158 means of aerial attack against Ukraine. Air defense forces shot down 114 targets. 39 dead were confirmed.

Permanent representatives of European countries at the UN, who were present at the Security Council meeting convened by Russian propagandist Vasily Nebenzya because of the attack on Belgorod, said that only Russia and its dictator Vladimir Putin are to blame for the deaths of Russians.

Russia demanded the participation of the Czech Republic in the meeting of the UN Security Council because of the Czech Vampire projectiles. Moscow claimed that the Ukrainian armed forces allegedly used them to attack Belgorod. However, the firing range of the Vampire is 20.3 km, and the distance from the Ukrainian border to Belgorod at the closest point is 26 km. Czech foreign minister stated that he will not allow the Russian Federation to summon his country's representatives anywhere.