West not done enough for Ukraine as it lacks shells, other weapons, UK FM Cameron says
David Cameron (Photo: EPA/JUSTIN LANE)

Western allies have not done enough to stop Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, stated in an interview with Voice of America.

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He noted that he perceived the full-scale invasion as a challenge of "our generation".

"I believe that this is the most important issue facing us. I remember how my grandfather's generation in the 1930s solved the problem of the aggressive dictator Hitler, who seized the territory of another country, ignored its borders, took away its parts. And it ended with the catastrophe of the Second World War. So for me it is a challenge, a great challenge of our generation to stop this aggression," Cameron said.

Asked whether enough had been done to meet the challenge, the British foreign minister said: "The short answer is no, we haven't done enough."

Although the European Union has become more united, Germany began to actively supply weapons to Ukraine, and NATO expanded with the beginning of the full-scale Russo-Ukrainian war, but not enough was done for Ukraine.

"Ukraine does not have enough missiles. Ukraine needs the support of the United States. Ukraine needs more funding, as well as weapons. So we have to be true to what we said, we say we support Ukraine, we believe in Ukrainians. Then we have to prove it with the help of weapons, money, diplomatic, military and moral support," Cameron said.

On Sunday, the Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov said that half of the arms deliveries do not arrive in Ukraine on time, which is why the country has to lose people and territories.

Ukraine needs 3.5-4 million ammunition of all calibers per year for parity and in some cases dominance over the Russian forces, military observer Oleksandr Kovalenko said in a comment to LIGA.net.