Klimkin on Trump: "We Fear the Wrong Ones. Elections Await in China and India."
Pavlo Klimkin (Screenshot from LIGA.net video)

Pavlo Klimkin, the former Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2014 to 2019, has called for restraint in making political predictions, particularly regarding future elections in the United States. He said that the potential return of the 45th U.S. president, Donald Trump, to power is not a catastrophe given the current realities.

"I'm not convinced that our fears are focused on those we should really be afraid of. Why do you think Trump is a curse for today's reality? What will this Trump 2.0 look like, or will there be a Trump at all?" asked Klimkin.

He expressed his uncertainty about seeing a "Biden vs. Trump" match-up in the next U.S. presidential election.

It is wrong to fear Trump and the right-wing because they are not anomalies in today's reality, according to the former minister.

"When we talk about Trump, we forget about many other things. For example, what will happen in China and what elections will be held in India? The waves that may come from the upheavals there will make our concerns about Trump seem insignificant," Klimkin said, urging against making political predictions.