Russians exploiting Ukrainian prisoners of war as "human shield" while UN remains silent – Lubinets

A video showing Russian occupiers using Ukrainian prisoners of war as a "human shield" has been verified, with preliminary information about the invaders identified. However, neither the International Committee of the Red Cross nor the United Nations has reacted to this fact. Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, disclosed this in an interview during a telethon.

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"We managed to establish that this video is not manipulated; it is authentic. We understand where it was recorded and by whom. We even have preliminary assumptions about which Russian Armed Forces serviceman committed this crime," said Lubinets.

According to him, violations of laws and customs of war by Russians are not isolated incidents. However, speaking specifically about the method captured on video, the ombudsman mentioned that he has seen such a thing for the first time.

"We had information that Russians were doing this (using prisoners as a 'human shield' – ed.). But the fact that it was documented on video – we have not had that before," he said.

Lubinets pointed out that he documented this as a violation of the Geneva Conventions by Russia and a probable commission of a war crime. He informed the Red Cross and the UN about it, but there was no reaction from them.

"Once again, we report war crimes, and once again, there is no response," the ombudsman said.

Read also: Kyiv opens war crime probe after reports Russian forces executed three Ukrainian POWs