Ukrainian SBU security forces detain ex-Party of Regions MP Lukyanov as he tried to flee the country
Vladyslav Lukyanov (Photo: source in law enforcement agencies)

The Security Service of Ukraine claims to have detained a former MP from the banned Party of Regions, who was trying to flee Ukraine. A source of in the law enforcement agencies said that the man in question is Vladyslav Lukyanov.

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The 60-year-old ex-lawmaker was detained near the border crossing point in Odesa Oblast, the SBU reported.

From there, according to the law enforcement officers, Lukyanov tried to go abroad as a person of non-conscription age.

According to the investigation, in 2020 he became a member of the Bakhmut city council from the banned Opposition Platform – For Life. After the partial occupation of Bakhmut, Lukyanov allegedly decided to collaborate with the enemy and "re-registered" his own internet provider company under Russian legislation.

In addition, the former MP gave Russian special services access to existing equipment, thanks to which the FSB was able to monitor the Internet activity of local residents.

Lukyanov himself moved to the territory controlled by Ukraine and managed the company remotely, according to law enforcement officers.

The SBU noted that the detainee also ordered regular payments to the budget of the Russian Federation as "taxes" and "fees", thereby financing Russia's military-industrial complex and its occupation groups fighting against Ukraine.

He was indicted with justifying and denying the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. If found guilty, Lukyanov faces imprisonment.

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Photo from open sources
Lukyanov was one of the public speakers of the fugitive ex-president Viktor Yanukovych's team. In the parliament of the VII convocation, he took part in mass fights in the session hall, when the Party of Regions members pushed for the ratification of the Kharkiv agreements, the unblocking of the presidium from the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, etc. After the Maidan, Lukyanov returned to Donbas, where in the spring of 2014 he supported militants and separatists during their seizure of authorities.

On March 11, 2024, the SBU detained Svitlana Sikorska, the wife of a former member of the Party of Regions. It is alleged that she collected information about Ukrainian military facilities and passed it on to Russian special services.