Ukraine's security chief: Strikes on Russian oil refineries necessary to maintain pressure on Putin
Oleksandr Lytvynenko (Photo by NSDC)

Strikes on Russian oil refineries are part of a strategy aimed at putting pressure on Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, according to Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) Oleksandr Lytvynenko in an interview with The Economist.

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"One, it restricts his room for maneuver, and two, it helps persuade Russian society and elites that continuing war is costlier than ending it," said the NSDC secretary.

Lytvynenko noted that, unlike Russia, Ukraine does not strike civilian targets. According to him, only military ships, military aircraft, and oil infrastructure are targeted.

"One strike on an aerodrome may damage seven, ten, 15 planes. Each of them costs upwards of $30m each. We can do the operation for less than $2m. It’s fantastically cost-effective," said Lytvynenko.

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