Overwhelming majority of Ukrainians reject concessions to Russia, survey shows

Most Ukrainians overwhelmingly reject any concessions to Russia in exchange for immediate peace, a recent survey has revealed.
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According to a poll conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives foundation, a think-tank, only five percent of Ukrainians would support giving up Ukrainian territory.
18 percent would agree to Ukraine never joining NATO, and nearly the same number of Ukrainians would consider granting the Russian language official status or abandoning the policy of decommunisation.
The poll involved 2019 respondents over the age of 18, with the sampling error not exceeding 2.3 percent.
The analysts note that residents of the southern and, to a slightly greater extent, eastern regions of Ukraine are somewhat more willing to make concessions.
However, even in those regions, the majority of respondents consider any of the concessions offered unacceptable, especially territorial.
About half of the respondents who believe that "any compromise is worth making for the sake of peace", or eight percent of the surveyed, recognise the above concessions by Ukraine as unacceptable.
Of those who think that "compromises can be made, but not all of them", two thirds consider any concessions by Ukraine unacceptable as well.
The survey, conducted in the early days of August, was published ahead of Ukraine’s Independence Day, to be marked on Thursday.