Trump: US must leave Ukraine war, I can achieve peace talks
Donald Trump (Photo: EPA, MICHAEL REYNOLDS)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has stated that the United States need to "get out of the war in Ukraine," promising to achieve negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow, reports Reuters.

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Trump asserted that the current administration under President Joe Biden "has no plan" of withdrawing the United States from the Russo-Ukrainian war.

"[Joe] Biden and Kamala [Harris] got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can't get us out. They can't get us out," Trump said.

Trump pledged to achieve negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, while emphasizing that if he does not become the next president, the United States will "get stuck in that war."

"I think that we're stuck in that war unless I'm president. I'll get it done. I'll get it negotiated, I'll get out. We gotta get out. Biden says 'we will not leave until we win.' What happens if they win," the 45th president concluded.

On September 11, during the presidential debates, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris stated that Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine is simply to "give up."

Trump did not directly respond to whether he wants Ukraine to win but emphasized that ending the war is in the interest of the United States.

On September 23, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed doubts that Trump has a real plan to end the war.