Explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied Crimea overnight. LIGA.net's source in the Security and Defense Forces reported that as a result of the operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate, a Russian KS-701 Tunets boat was hit.

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Russian Telegram channels wrote that around 2:30 a.m. the occupation administration stopped traffic across the Kerch Bridge. Locals in Kerch reported that "about 10 explosions" were heard over the city.

Subsequently, the Crimean "official" Oleg Kryuchkov reported that two ferries were damaged that night – a railway and a car one.

An interlocutor of LIGA.net could not confirm the damage to the ferries, but stated that the Russian KS-701 Tunets boat was damaged by the Defense Intelligence officers. Last year, the Naval Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the same boat had been damaged.

The information needs clarification.

Tunets is a diesel boat with an aluminum hull, which, depending on the modification, is intended for road work or patrol trips, recreation on the water. Length – 8.8 m, width – 2.5 m, passenger capacity – up to six people. Such boats are mostly owned by Russian border guards and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

In the early hours of February 1, 2024, the Ukrainian military intelligence destroyed the Russian missile cruiser Ivanovets using MAGURA V5 drones.

On February 14, MAGURA V5 UAVs destroyed the large amphibious ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Caesar Kunikov.