First batch of F-16 fighters arrives in Ukraine – Bloomberg
F-16 fighter jets (Photo by Antonio Pedro Santos/EPA)

Ukraine has received the first batch of F-16 multirole fighter jets from its allies, as was reported by Bloomberg, citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter.

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They said that the deadline for transferring the American-made military aircraft to the Armed Forces of Ukraine was the end of July, and it was met. Bloomberg's sources noted that the number of aircraft Ukraine received is "small."

The sources said that it's still unclear whether Ukrainian pilots, who have been training on F-16s over the past few months, will be able to use the transferred fighters immediately or if this process will take more time.

Bloomberg wrote that Diana Davityan, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, declined to comment on this information.

The article states that providing Ukraine with F-16s is a long-awaited step that could enhance Ukraine's ability to repel Russian attacks. Even if the initial number of aircraft is small, over time they will help Kyiv build up its potential to undermine Russia's air superiority, the journalists wrote.

Read also: We understand there will be a big Russian hunt for first F-16s in Ukraine – Zelenskyy faction leader