Telegram blocks Ukrainian chatbots for data transfer, including eVorog, intelligence confirms

The management of Telegram blocked a number of official chatbots of Ukraine, thanks to which Ukrainians could transmit data about the Russian troops to the Defense Forces and intelligence, the Ukraine's military intelligence reported.
The intelligence officers said that on April 28, the management of the Telegram platform "unreasonably blocked a number of official bots that opposed Russia's military aggression against Ukraine."
Among those blocked is the "Main Intelligence Bot".
"This happened contrary to the rules and public statements that Telegram's management publicly declared," the DIU added.
In addition, SBU and Air Defense chatbots for tracking enemy drones and missiles, as well as eVorog, do not work. The latter does not open even through the Diia application.

At the same time, the intelligence service warned that Russians are creating bots with similar names and urged Ukrainians not to send personal data to them.
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Signal: +38 096 945 53 41
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On March 7, Golos MP Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, in a comment to, stated that the Verkhovna Rada committee on freedom of speech does not have mechanisms that would force anonymous Telegram channels to be registered as media and de-anonymized.
On March 21, a draft law on the regulation of the Telegram platform was initiated.
On March 25, Yurchyshyn told that the committee submitted a request to the State Tax Service to check Telegram and its channels. So far, the department has not responded.