Ukraine's FM Kuleba urges EU defense and foreign ministers to move past talk, take action
Dmytro Kuleba (Photo: EPA)

Ukraine can prevent worst-case scenarios if allies start acting together and without fear, as concrete decisions on aid are needed today, said Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba during an address to the ministers of defense and foreign affairs of the member states of the European Union.

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Kuleba reminded his colleagues of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's call for immediate action, not debate.

"We can prevent the worst-case scenarios if we act together and without fear. We need concrete and bold decisions today to provide Ukraine with additional Patriot and SAMP/T systems, missiles, artillery and ammunition, and other weapons and equipment as soon as possible. Now that you are all here at the table, it's time to act, not to debate," said the official.

Kuleba welcomed the decision of the House of Representatives of the US Congress to provide a package of support to Ukraine. However, Ukraine's top diplomat noted that the European continent should not relax, since the defense of Europe is the matter for Europeans.

"Over the six months of discussions in the United States, Europe has demonstrated real leadership and the ability to act. I am grateful to you for this. We have to remember this feeling and continue this forward movement of Europe," he concluded.

On April 10, Germany handed Ukraine a new package of military aid, which included shells, drones, rifles, mine-clearing systems and other weapons.

On April 13, Scholz decided to transfer another Patriot air defense system to Ukraine. On April 18, Germany also promised to supply Ukraine with an additional IRIS-T air defense system.

On April 20, the US House of Representatives approved aid to Ukraine by 311 votes. $60.84 billion will be allocated for Ukraine. Of these, $23.2 billion will be used to replenish American weapons, stocks, and assets.