Kuleba urges EU ban on selling artillery shells to all except Kyiv, citing critical need

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba called for a ban on the export of artillery shells from European countries to countries other than Ukraine. His appeal was voiced in an interview with the German RND against the backdrop of a shortage of ammunition in the Ukrainian army.

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"All contracts for the export of ammunition produced in Europe to third countries must be suspended, and all such ammunition must be sent to Ukraine <...> Every cartridge produced in Europe must serve to protect Europe," Kuleba stressed.

The diplomat draws attention to the shortage of ammunition "in every conversation with partners", reminding that the allies started ramping up production "too late".

Kuleba also announced the work to ensure that the ammunition currently purchased by European states in third countries becomes available to Ukraine.

Ukraine needs 3.5-4 million ammunition of all calibers per year for parity and in some cases dominance over the Russian troops, military observer Oleksandr Kovalenko said in a comment to LIGA.net.

On February 21, Joe Biden reiterated that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, should bring to the vote a bill with assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. According to the American leader, the document will be approved by the House if it is put to a vote.

In an interview with Fox News, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that if the US Congress does not approve aid to Ukraine, "more and more Ukrainian heroic lads will be in hospitals."