Ukrainian parliament preparing to debate over 4,000 proposed changes to mobilization bill
Verkhovna Rada (Photo: OP)

4,195 amendments have already been submitted to the mobilization bill, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported.

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The Defense Committee of the Verkhovna Rada will start considering the document and prepare it for voting in the second reading from Tuesday.

The legislators will consider amendments to the draft law.

He noted that if "everything goes well", then on March 6 it will be considered in the parliament.

"Since there are a lot of amendments, this process in the hall may drag on for a couple of days," Zheleznyak said.

On January 30, the Cabinet of Ministers registered a new draft law on mobilization in the Verkhovna Rada. One of the proposed innovations: convicted persons released from serving a probationary sentence can be called up for military service during mobilization.

On February 7, the Ukrainian parliament supported the draft law on mobilization in the first reading.

Before the second reading, lawmakers must correct "contradictory norms" in the document.