Pavlo Petrychenko, public figure and soldier of 59th brigade, dies at front
Pavlo Petrychenko (Photo - Maryna Petrychenko's Facebook)

On Monday, April 15, Ukrainian serviceman and public figure Pavlo Petrychenko died at the front, reported the sister of the fallen soldier Maryna Petrychenko.

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"My brother Pavlo Petrychenko, sergeant of the 59th Brigade, died today in Donetsk Oblast while performing a combat mission. Please do not disturb our family for a while. We will inform you about the place and time of the farewell later," the message reads.

It was Petrychenko who created a petition to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with a call to ban soldiers' access to online casinos. He claimed that dependent servicemen "drop out" of service just by borrowing money. 25,000 signatures were collected within a few hours of publication.

Petrychenko was a participant in the Revolution of Dignity, and later in the initiative "Who ordered the murder of Katya Handziuk", an organizer of rallies in support of public figure Serhiy Sternenko. In March 2022, he was involved in the development of the Serhiy Prytula volunteer center, and in April he joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Commenting on the mobilization bill adopted by the parliament for, from which the norm on demobilization was excluded, Petrychenko said that without a reserve and with such a war, demobilization is impossible, and "the talk of 36 months is populism." However, he was in favor of "taking people out of the trenches and transferring them to quieter positions", as well as for letting men over the age of 55 leave the army.