China can pressure Russia to end war and nuclear blackmail, Poland believes

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Wojciech Gerwel, at a meeting with China's special representative Li Hui, called on Beijing to put pressure on the Kremlin to end the war against Ukraine and abandon nuclear blackmail, according to the statement of the Polish Foreign Ministry published after the meeting.
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Reportedly, the Polish diplomat emphasized China's responsibility as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, called on Beijing to condemn Russian aggression, and use its influence on Russia to force it to end the war.
Poland also condemns Russian threats to use nuclear weapons and "counts on concrete actions by China towards Russia – the aggressor state blackmailing the world with the use of these weapons."
According to Poland, "Russia's aggression against Ukraine poses a key challenge for regional and global stability and security," and the withdrawal of Russian troops and the liberation of territories illegally seized by Russia is "the only acceptable solution to achieve a just peace."
According to the deputy minister, Poland hopes that China will never recognize Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territories, and warned that Beijing's hypothetical military aid to Moscow would have "grave consequences" for China's relations with Europe.
As stated in the message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China's special representative said in response that what is happening in Ukraine "is not in anyone's interests", but at the same time, China does not see an "easy solution" to the situation. He also emphasized that any use of nuclear weapons is not acceptable for China, and that his country "attaches importance to nuclear security."