Orbán signals Hungary presidency will pressure EU on 'correct values' preached by Budapest

During Hungary's presidency of the Council of the European Union next year, Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán will try to convince as many member countries of the bloc as possible that Budapest's values are "correct", he said in an interview with Mandiner.
Journalists asked him whether Hungary will chair the EU Council at all, if there is talk within the union about preventing the country from taking the lead in the second half of 2024, or even depriving Hungary of membership.
To this, Orban said that he does not want to leave Brussels, but to "occupy it".
"I do not propose that Hungary stand aside, on the sidelines, in the outer circle, but that it enter there, present its ideals, its values, its program and convince more and more countries that this is right," he stated.
In his opinion, it would be "more correct" for the European Union to pay attention to Hungary and its values, instead of "giving in to progressive-liberal madness."
Hungary will hold the presidency of the Council of the European Union from July to December 2024, succeeding Belgium. Spain currently chairs the EU Council.
The Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the European Union, Arnoldas Prantskevičius, hinted to Hungary, led by Orban, that the country would be better off leaving the bloc.