‘No confirmation’ Hamas got hold of weapons from Ukraine, ambassador says

Israeli ambassador to Kyiv Michael Brodsky said that Jerusalem has "no confirmation" that Western weapons from Ukraine have fallen into the hands of Hamas, a terrorist group that attacked Israel last week.
In an interview with Kyiv Post newspaper, Mr Brodsky was asked about the Russian propaganda claim that "weapons provided to Ukraine by Western countries ended up in the hands of Hamas".
"We have no confirmation of this," the diplomat responded.
Mr Brodsky also said that sanctions against Iran should be extended to prevent the country from selling weapons to Russia and other terrorist organisations.
"Any arms sale or transfer of Iranian weapons to any country or any entity is a potential danger for Israel because these weapons could end up in the hands of terrorists," he explained.
"Therefore, we are in favour of sanctions not just being continued against Iran, but being tightened. And, of course, Iran’s military cooperation with anyone cannot be allowed."
Ukrainian defence intelligence earlier warned that Russia has handed over to Hamas Western weapons seized in Ukraine in order to accuse Kyiv of ‘selling Western equipment’.