House speaker delays vote on Ukraine aid, claims Congress too busy for vital support bill
Mike Johnson (Photo: EPA/SHAWN THEW)

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, will not yet put the issue of continuing military and financial aid to Ukraine to a vote, he said in a comment to journalist Jake Sherman.

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He does not intend to bring the document to the hall today.

"We're dealing with the appropriations process. We have immediate deadlines upon us and that's where the attention of the House is in this moment," Johnson said.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden called on Johnson to "immediately" vote on the aid bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

On February 13, the US Senate approved legislation to provide $60.06 billion in comprehensive assistance to Ukraine, including $7.85 billion in direct budget support. The measure passed by a vote of 70 to 29 after consideration that began on February 8.

Since Congress still could not approve a $60 billion aid package for Ukraine, the United States had to stop supplying ammunition and missiles to the Armed Forces.