Germany's new ambassador begins work in Ukraine, promises increased military aid

The new ambassador of Germany, Martin Jäger, begins work in Ukraine, reports the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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Today, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yevhen Perebyinis received copies of Credentials (this is a document used to accredit a diplomatic representative. – ed.) from the newly appointed German ambassador to Ukraine, Martin Jäger.
Perebyinis informed Jäger about the current situation in Ukraine in terms of countering Russian aggression and noted the importance of large-scale aid received from Germany.
Jäger assured of Germany's unwavering support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and also emphasized Berlin's readiness to further strengthen military, economic and humanitarian assistance.
In this position, Jäger will replace Anka Feldhusen, who has been the German ambassador to Ukraine since July 2019. In 2020, she received the III degree Order of Merit for her significant personal contribution to strengthening the international authority of Ukraine, the development of interstate cooperation, and fruitful public activity.