Commanders of assault battalions and divisions of the 80th Separate Galician Air Assault Brigade have recorded a video appeal urging to keep Brigade Commander Emil Ishkulov in his position, and the video was provided to by brigade soldiers.

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Several sources from the 80th Brigade reported that Ishkulov opposed a combat mission that was disproportionate to the brigade's capabilities.

Alternative options proposed by the brigade were not considered. Instead, information about the probable dismissal of Commander Ishkulov emerged, sources said.

In their appeal to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi, and Commander of the Air Assault Forces Ihor Skybiuk, the 80th Brigade's commanders stated that the brigade is led by a professional military officer, paratrooper Colonel Emil Ishkulov, who has gone through all command levels, knows how to lead people, including behind enemy lines, knows what captivity is, and has numerous awards.

"This is a commander who meticulously plans all operations. For him, the life of each of us comes first. He's a professional soldier who understands the modern battlefield and adequately responds to the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war," the military stated.

The brigade expressed incomprehension as to "why commanders who have undisputed authority among personnel, who have a victorious combat path and experience of the big war, are unfavorable for the higher command of the Armed Forces, as they are not afraid to voice problematic issues and report the real state of affairs, do not engage in eye-washing and do not mindlessly sacrifice people on the path to another set of shoulder straps and medals."

Ishkulov was appointed commander of the 80th Brigade in late 2022. He has been fighting since 2014 when he was a reconnaissance platoon commander in the 25th Airborne Brigade.

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