Russian Telegram channels claim that on June 8, drones attacked the tug Inzhener Smirnov and the barge Sektsiya-179 in the Taganrog Bay.

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According to the Russian military propaganda, as a result of the attack, the barge has minor damage above the waterline, and the tug has broken windows. The ship's captain also stated that there are wounded among the crew.

The pro-Ukrainian Telegram channel Crimean Wind claims that the Ukrainian military attacked Inzhener Smirnov using kamikaze drones when it was towing Sektsiya-179. asked for a comment from representatives of the Defense and Intelligence Forces.

On May 27, 2024, Russian propagandists reported that overnight, drones "fell" on the property of the Livenskaya oil depot in Oryol Oblast.

A source in the Security and Defense Forces told that Ukrainian intelligence is behind this.

On June 8, a interlocutor in the special services reported that Defense Intelligence drones had reached the town of Mozdok in North Ossetia of the Russian Federation.