President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his evening video address that he had spoken with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in particular, about the grain corridor and the exchange of prisoners captured by Russia. 

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"A very informative conversation. As always, we are using every day of this week to intensify our international work so that this year will start to yield results from the very first weeks. I thanked President Erdoğan for the level of our cooperation in many areas, including defense. We have joint projects that have already been successful, and this year we must do even more to strengthen our states and our peoples," he said.

According to him, security in the Black Sea and global food security largely depend on Ukrainian-Turkish cooperation.

Zelenskyy thanked Erdoğan and the whole of Turkey for supporting the work on the maritime export corridor from Ukraine. Since the beginning of its operation, more than 14 million tons of cargo have already been transported – almost 500 vessels, the president noted.

"This is a very important result—economic, security, and geopolitical. We demonstrate that we can return security to our region despite all the existing threats. We see how the strength of our partnership adds strength to our entire region," the president explained.

In addition, the leaders discussed the work on the peace formula. Zelenskyy informed them about the preparation of a new meeting at the level of advisers to be held in Davos, Switzerland, in January.

Zelenskyy noted that he had invited a Turkish representative to the meeting and received confirmation.

"And each country will demonstrate by its participation in joint work – now as advisors, later as leaders – how important it is for international law to work. It should work one hundred percent. Starting with the UN Charter and ending with all other norms that guarantee respect for nations and territorial integrity of states," the Ukrainian leader noted.

The Presidents discussed the item of the peace formula on the return of all prisoners and deportees. It is about the return of Ukrainian children abducted by Russians, the return of prisoners of war and those against whom Russia is conducting repressions in the temporarily occupied territories, particularly in Crimea, the president explained.

"Turkey's mediation is very important so that the Crimean Tatars and all others – adults and children, soldiers and civilians—who are held in Russian captivity can be released," Zelenskyy summarized.

Zelenskyy's peace formula was presented at the G20 summit in November 2022. It contains 10 points: radiation and nuclear safety; food security; energy security; release of prisoners and deportees; restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity; withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities; restoration of justice; environmental safety; prevention of war escalation and recurrence of aggression; confirmation of the end of the war.

On January 3, the 49th exchange of prisoners of war since the beginning of the Great War took place: 230 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians were released. This was the largest exchange, and it took place for the first time since August 2023.

The United Arab Emirates assisted in the procedure. Azovstal defenders were released from captivity, but there were no Azovites among them.

Russia tried to misinform that 173 prisoners returned to Ukraine instead of 230, saying that for every Azovstal commander released in the summer, 15 Russians had to be given up. Ukraine refuted another Russian fake.