Top diplomat acknowledges rising EU support for Ukraine still no substitute for US aid
Josep Borrell (Photo: ERA)

The European Union will not be able to replace the United States in providing financial and military aid to Ukraine, despite the fact that the bloc is working on strengthening it, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said before the European Political Community Summit in Spain on Thursday.

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"Of course, Europe will not be able to replace the United States," he said, answering the question whether the EU could "fill the gap created by the United States in helping Ukraine."

The journalist was apparently referring to the U.S. decision not to include support for Ukraine in the interim funding agreement, as well as the removal of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy. Now the U.S. House of Representatives will not be able to consider allocating new aid to Ukraine until it elects a new speaker.

Borrell stated that Ukraine needs EU aid, and the bloc will increase it.

"Europe is increasing its support. On the table is an offer of 50 billion euros ($52.6 billion) from the civil and economic side and 20 billion euros ($21 billion) from the military side," he clarified.

However, according to him, Ukrainians also need help from the United States.

"I hope, Ukrainians hope, and I think that everyone who does not want Putin to win this war should look for ways for the United States to reconsider this issue and continue to support Ukraine," the diplomat said.

On September 30, both houses of the U.S. Congress approved a budget resolution for funding for the next 45 days. It does not provide for new aid to Ukraine until November 17.

Biden urged House Speaker McCarthy and the Republican majority to "keep their word" and approve aid to Ukraine.

So far, the Pentagon still has $5.2 billion to help Ukraine, enough for about half a year.

On October 3, the representative of the Republican Party, Matt Goetz, introduced a motion to remove McCarthy from the post of speaker, accusing him of making a "secret deal for Ukraine" with Democrats and Biden to pass a short-term funding bill. In the evening, the House of Representatives voted to remove McCarthy.