Former MP Iryna Farion dies in hospital
Iryna Farion (Photo – Telegram of Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi)

Former MP Iryna Farion, who was the target of an assassination attempt in Lviv, has died in the hospital, as was reported by Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi and Lviv Regional Military Administration Head Maksym Kozytskyi.

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"We've learned that Iryna Farion has died in the hospital. The medical team did everything possible, but the injury was incompatible with life," Sadovyi wrote.

The head of the anesthesiology service at Lviv's First Medical Association, Natalia Matolinets, told that Farion was in critical condition, she was in a brain coma and underwent artificial lung ventilation.

Farion's condition was unstable, with a thread-like pulse and undetectable blood pressure. It was impossible to remove the bullet as it was lodged in deep brain structures.

Read also: Former MP Farion shot in Lviv, critical with gunshot wound to head