Kuleba: Some in world view Putin as 'a leader who made a horrific mistake'
Dmytro Kuleba (Photo: EPA)

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has identified two conceptual issues that underlie the problematic formulation of international policy toward Russia and dictator Volodymyr Putin. In an interview with Foreign Affairs magazine, he explained that some of Ukraine's international partners consider Putin "a leader who made a terrible mistake."

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Kuleba believes that some of Ukraine's international partners still do not see the Russian dictator as an evil that should be "destroyed as a political concept or as a way of conducting international affairs." Instead, they see him as "a leader who made a terrible mistake for which he has to pay."

"If you think he is a leader who made a terrible mistake, you create one strategy and one approach. However, if you consider him an evil that must cease to exist in international politics, this is a different strategy," Kuleba said.

According to the Foreign Minister, some partners still view the Russian dictator in this way, despite all the lessons he has taught over the 20 years of his rule.

Kuleba believes that the second conceptual problem is the line "Russia should not win this war." He emphasized that the Ukrainian side has been saying from day one that Ukraine must win this war.

"Ukraine must win this war" and "Russia must not win" are two different strategies," he emphasized, adding that these two concepts are the basis of the shortcomings of international policy making.

In addition, the Foreign Minister commented on the situation with the countries that support Ukraine and emphasized that they understand that "whatever the price of helping Ukraine is, it is cheaper than fixing the world."

He emphasized that the total GDP of Ukraine's allies is 21% higher than the total GDP of the countries on the list of Russia's allies.

On January 23, the head of the US Department of Defense called on the participants of the Ramstein meeting to provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with "more life-saving ground-based air defense systems and interceptors." He also emphasized that Putin "continues to sacrifice staggering numbers of Russian troops in his reckless and foolhardy war of choice."

On January 25, it became known that German Defense Minister Pistorius believes that the situation at the front in Ukraine is better than is being discussed in society. According to him, Russia's territorial gains are insignificant, given the "inhuman efforts" made by Russian dictator Putin.

On the same day, German Chancellor Scholz said that no simple solution to Russia's war against Ukraine should be expected.