Russia moves Kalibr missile-carrying ships to Caspian Sea – Zelenskyy
The launch of a Kalibr missile from a Russian ship (Photo - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)

Ukrainian strikes on Russian targets in the temporarily occupied Crimea have led to "painful" losses for the aggressor, and Russian ships are moving to the Caspian Sea due to the actions of the Defense Forces, as was reported by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after reports from the military.

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He said that as part of the daily security situation report, there was a report by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi regarding the current situation on the battlefield and the results of the strike on Russian targets in Crimea.

"We are still waiting for final data, but it is already clear that the occupiers have suffered painful losses. Also, according to intelligence reports, after our actions in the Black Sea, Russia is moving ships, including carriers of Kalibr missiles, to the Caspian Sea," the president said.

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine (HUR) reported that it is already known that during the attack by the Defense Forces on the Russian airfield in Dzhankoi, four S-400 launchers, three radar stations, a command post for air defense assets, and Fundament-M airspace surveillance equipment were hit.

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