Xi warns Biden during summit that Beijing will "reunify" Taiwan with China – NBC News
Joe Biden and Xi Jinping (Photo: EPA)

Chinese President Xi Jinping told U.S. President Joe Biden during their recent summit in San Francisco that Beijing will "reunify" Taiwan with mainland China, but "timing has not yet been decided," NBC News reported, citing three current and former US officials.

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According to the newspaper's sources, the Chinese leader told Biden that China "preference is to take Taiwan peacefully, not by force."

Also, according to them, Xi Jinping referred to public forecasts by American military leaders who said that the Chinese president plans to seize Taiwan in 2025 or 2027, telling Biden that they were wrong because he allegedly did not set a time frame.

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The interlocutors noted that Chinese officials asked Biden to make a public statement after the meeting that the United States supports China's goal of peaceful reunification with Taiwan and does not support Taiwan's independence. According to them, the White House rejected China's request.

The sources described the Chinese leader as direct and frank, but not confrontational.

"His language was no different than what he has always said. He is always tough on Taiwan. He’s always had a tough line," the US official said.

Xi Jinping's "saber-rattling" on Taiwan is a major concern for Biden administration officials, who are trying hard to avoid a military conflict with China, the newspaper added.

On June 19, 2023, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a meeting with Blinken in Beijing that "there is no room for compromise" regarding self-governing Taiwan.

On June 27, Taiwan announced that it would shoot down planes and sink PRC ships off its coast.

On September 29, on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese leader said that no force will prevent the return of self-governing Taiwan to Chinese control.

During the meeting in San Francisco, Biden said he agreed to renew military contacts with China in talks with Xi.

Also at this meeting, Xi Jinping told Biden that China would not attack Taiwan "for years to come."