As allies show signs of 'aid fatigue', US keen to reassert leadership on Ukraine support
John Kirby (screenshot)

The United States still hopes to approve additional funding for Ukraine, which will help it get the status of a leader in supporting Ukraine, White House representative John Kirby has said, according to the Voice of America.

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"We’re hopeful — still hopeful, the President is, that we’re able to get this supplemental funding and we can — can go back to being the world’s leader in supporting Ukraine," he said.

Kirby was asked how the White House feels about the fact that some European leaders are more pessimistic about Washington's aid to Kyiv.

He replied: "Other leaders in Europe and elsewhere can be forgiven for working through in their own minds how they’re going to be able to support Ukraine should the United States not be able, thanks to what’s going on on Capitol Hill, to be able to continue that support."

President Joe Biden previously said that the inaction of Congress endangers the security of the United States and NATO, and also called for the fastest possible resolution of the border and the approval of aid to Ukraine.