Russia may target Ukraine, Baltics in 2028 if granted combat recess now, Zelenskyy warns
Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: OP)

Russia will be able to restore its military potential by 2028 if it gets a pause in the war now, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said at the European Political Community Summit in Spain.

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If Moscow receives a pause in hostilities or freezes the war, the "critical moment" will come in 2028, he argues.

"If Russia is allowed to adapt now, by 2028 it will regain the military potential we destroyed and be strong enough to attack countries in the focus of its expansion," Zelenskyy warned.

He noted that, in addition to Ukraine, it could be the Baltic states and other countries where the Russian military is present.

"Our intelligence data is clear. Russia is trying to freeze the situation and adapt. It is learning from its mistakes and preparing to move forward," the Ukrainian leader said.

Zelenskyy emphasized that the Kremlin wants to seize more territories and destroy the unity of Europe using war.

Zelenskyy, referring to Ukrainian intelligence assessment, said that by the end of 2023, Russia will step up its nuclear threats.

The president ruled out the possibility of any diplomacy with the Russian Federation, recalling that none of the previous attempts were successful, as the Russian dictator does not want peace.

Zelenskyy called the situation with holding elections in Ukraine during the war "difficult", but if the Verkhovna Rada makes the necessary changes to the legislation and the safety of the voting participants is ensured, then they will take place.